PregnancyNutritionWeight LossArticles

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12Vitamin B12 is essential for the functioning of the healthy human body. It is a water soluble vitamin which is found in foods like lean red meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. B12 needs to be consumed and absorbed by the body every day to promote health. Continue reading »

Third trimester

3rd TrimesterYou are getting closer and closer to the day of welcoming your baby into the world. Although you may be thrilled about becoming a parent, you will likely experience concerns as well, which is perfectly normal. With good support of your partner, family members, and friends, you will get through this phase. The last third trimester is when the fetus is using all its energy to prepare a grand entrance into the world. Continue reading »

Second trimester

the 2nd trimesterThe second trimester is an exciting time as you see and feel the fetus changing and growing as well as watching your own body change. For many women, this is the most enjoyable phase of pregnancy. Continue reading »

First trimester

baby's development week by weekThe first trimester is from conception to the 13th week. This is when you will notice the first symptoms and possibly feel a variety of unpleasant but temporary conditions like morning sickness and exhaustion. Generally, the side effects will pass by the time you end your first trimester and your body has adjusted to the rapid changes to your body. Continue reading »

Pregnancy week by week

Pregnancy calendar week by weekA pregnancy is generally measured in units called trimesters, divided into the three phases of pregnancy. These trimesters each last roughly 13 weeks, and a full term pregnancy is considered to be between 38 and 42 weeks long. Continue reading »

Antioxidants and cancer

Antioxidants and CancerA discussion of how to prevent cancer, or at least lower our risk, must include the topic of dietary antioxidants. An antioxidant, by definition, is a nutrient, chemical or other substance that prevents or inhibits oxidation. Continue reading »

Pregnancy tests

Pregnancy test resultIf you have had one or more symptoms of pregnancy, you are probably anxious to confirm your suspicions. Now is the time to take a home pregnancy test, HPT. The tests are extremely easy, inexpensive, and all you need is a restroom where the test can be performed. You can find a number of different types of home pregnancy test, each producing the same result, although the method may differ. You can purchase home pregnancy test kits from your local pharmacy or order one online. Continue reading »

Nordic walking

nordic walking If you’d like to shed a few pounds, have more energy, improve your fitness level then Nordic walking is an enjoyable way to do this. It is a total body work out, it will keep you fit toned & healthy and anyone can do it – regardless of age, weight, or gender. You will notice the difference after several weeks of Nordic walking – better conditioning, more relaxed muscles and better health. Continue reading »

How nutrition can prevent cancer

food to prevent cancerWhen people get cancer, they oftentimes look to nutrition as a way to cure their cancer – or at least to help them stay healthy enough to endure traditional cancer therapy. Nutrition is important at this time, and may be very helpful. Continue reading »

Weight loss principles

weight lossWeight gain occurs when more calories are consumed than used as energy. The excess calories are converted and stored as fat, resulting in weight gain. The principle of weight loss is simple, burn more calories than you consume, that is, create a negative caloric intake. Continue reading »

Secrets to healthy skin

Food for healthy skinThe top four things you should know about keeping your skin looking young. Continue reading »

Weight loss tips for men

Weight Loss for MenJust below, you’ll find my top 25 tips for men who are interested in losing some weight. It can be either a small amount with some toning or a more serious attempt at losing a great deal of weight. Continue reading »

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis CHepatitis C is an inflammatory liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (also referred to as HCV or hcv). Continue reading »

Red wine for anti-aging

Wine Anti-agingRed wine drinkers have one more reason to celebrate, a study concluding that wine has capability of preventing common food borne ailments in human beings. Such benefits of health from a glass of red wine were long known but scientists now endorse the old grannys saying. Continue reading »