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Coagulation factor replacement calculator

Calculate the required volume of Coagulation Factors like factor VIII and other factors in hemophilia and other coagulation defects.

Coagulation Factor Replacement
Enter the following data
Body weight
Body height
Factor to replace

Percent expected yield percent
Amount of factor in the product unit
Volume of the product unit in mL mL
Minimal hemostatic level for factor
Is the desired level minimally hemostatic?
Desirable level of factor for surgery
Is the desired level sufficient for major surgery?
Body surface area sq meters
Estimated plasma volume in mL mL
Amount of factor to give if 100% yield
Amount of factor needed if expected yield seen
Total volume of product to give mL
Number of product units to give
Dosing interval in hours hours
Automatic recalculation 


  • Gill JC. Chapter 139: Transfusion principles for congenital coagulation disorders. pages 2029-2038. IN: Hoffman R Benz EJ Jr et al. Hematology Basic Principles and Practice Second Edition. Churchill Livingstone. 1995.
  • Technical Manual 12 Edition. American Association of Blood Banks. 1996. Chapter 19: Blood Transfusion Practice pages 413-445. (page 430)
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